April 29, 2013

Theme Photography Pt.2

Hey barbs! I shot photographs of Elphaba over the weekend. It was really fun actually. The green looks great doesn't it? Enjoy!

April 24, 2013

THEME Photography

Ok I think I'm going to call all you readers, barbs... like on barbed wire. Get it? Haha it's a horrible pun I realize, but not everyone is born a comedian. So my barbs, I'm doing a theme for photography. It's portraits of musical characters that I LOVE! I started by doing Eponine from Les Mis. Also, a quick shout out to all my German barbs! Danke! You barbs and the Russian barbs are some of my most favorite readers. Ok so now on with the pictures:

Up next is either Cats or Elphaba from Wicked.

April 13, 2013

Photoshop Painting

So I've been learning things about photoshop. If you are like me and you are super detailed about things and you constantly get bored... LOOK NO FURTHER THEN PHOTOSHOP PAINTINGS!!! I like to photoshop paint because it's simple and you can make some really cool stuff. So check it out guys! Also I've been getting a lot of views from Russia... I think this is thank you in russian -> Вы. If not, sorry! Seriously though, thanks to all my viewers in Russia for checking out the blog! Now to do something completely unrelated to this post like feed my cat or something.

April 5, 2013

Ordinary to Extraordinary (FS#7)

Using an array of water colors, pens, and models I made an ordinary pear into to Pearman who is defender of the grape people of the kitchen. Need I say more.

7 Days (FS#6)

So here is what my week looks like in pen. Monday is annoying and I'm tired of everything. Also I need my morning caffeine. Tuesday I'm sad it's only the second day of my week. Wednesday I'm happy because the week is halfway over. Thursday I'm freaking out because Friday's are always hectic. Friday I'm so happy because it's the weekend FINALLY! Saturday I sleep and Sunday's I go out to see movies or do things with friends. It's a cycle.