May 22, 2013

Sketch Dump! (Also new obsessions)

Hey barbs, looks like there are a lot of you in India lately... cool! Well here's a sketch dump in thanks for looking at my work. Also, for those who love How I Met Your Mother (Tv show), I recently watched 7 seasons in a week.... so I'm a bit obsessed. Look, it's Uncle Barney! Right now I love Walking Dead, so I drew a Zombie, and the Mermaid is just there because I started drawing a girl and I decided to be lazy and not draw her torso or anything below that.... also mermaids are cool.

May 6, 2013

Random Sketches

So one is of a lot of people on a bus and a part of the bus. I like buses barbs, they are large and great for listening to music while pondering things and staring out the window.
This next one is from my visit to a cemetery. Yet another thing that I love. I enjoy reading graves and deciphering what symbols on them mean. I enjoy walking for hours around really old graves because I find it nice to think about how these people lived and that one day someone my come across my grave and wonder what my life was like. I mean face it, we live and die, but the in between of life is such a roller coaster, someone has to care right? Well I care and while we as people don't matter that much in the grand scheme of things, it's nice to think about the lives of others because it grounds us in a weird sort of way. We are all the same and yet so different. Now I leave you with a creepy unfinished sketch.

FS#9 Media Exploration

LOOK BARBS A GUN! Actually I don't really like guns, they aren't safe and people rarely ever use them for good. That's all you here on the news though, guns and violence. So when drawing what I see as media exploration, guns is the first thing that comes to mind.

FS#8 My Space

Here we go barbs! Another Friday Sketch, titled My Space. My Space is defined by me feeling good in my own style and drowning out the world with my favorite tunes. I realize that there really aren't enough of you fans to give you a nickname, but hey it's all in good fun. I LOVE using my marker felt tips pens. As you can see I can totally fake water splatters as you can see. Well enjoy!